
Waiting for things to arrive. And racking up the downloads while doing so.

First on the waiting list is my new sata controller – the Sodial 4port (2 internal SATA, 1 external SATA and 1 internal IDE). With the onboard controller I can only host 4 drives, which is enough to be getting on with, bit I’d like to make the most of the case and get up to 6 drives. Being a slightly retro kind of dude, the thought of the IDE port made me happy in a completely irrational non-functional way.

However, this card was sold on the 8th of Feb, and I’ve been waiting almost a month for it. The supplier has offered a refund that I think I will take them up on, although £5 is not anything I’m too worried about. The month sitting on my hands is something that’s far more irritating.

So I’ve ordered another one.

This is the Semlos card, which is more expensive, but has 4 usable ports, and has in it’s favour an important attribute: it might actually arrive.

The last bit of kit that I thought might come in handy is a caddy to mount a proper drive for the OS:

My first plan was to put the OS on the flash drive, but having read some horror stories about flash drives dying and the performance hit you might take, I am leaning towards using a proper drive.

I am a devops-er. And a software developer. I like taking the pain out of boring jobs.

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